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My Testimony

Hello everyone. My name is Joseph and today I will be sharing my testimony.
For those who don’t know, I was in a fishing incident that took place last year in November. A sinker was stuck in my right eye and I was rushed to The Geelong Hospital. The hospital informed me they were unable to remove the sinker out of my eye, so they transferred me to the Royal Melbourne Hospital. I arrived at the hospital and had to wait for my procedure, where they would remove the sinker out of my eye. I was asleep the whole time in the hospital, and it didn’t bother me that I had to wait for my procedure. It was comforting to see my family and friends after the procedure was done. It felt like a very long time since I saw them.

A couple of months after the incident, I went to the Royal Melbourne Hospital again for a surgical implant on my right eye. The implant helped the ocularist to form the prosthetic eye. It was only two weeks ago that I received my prosthesis, and I am surprised how identical it looks with my other eye. I want to thank all my friends and family who have supported me through this difficult time. Your prayers and thoughts have not been forgotten. I also want to thank the surgeons, doctors, nurses and my ocularist who have taken care of my right eye.  Most importantly, I want to thank God for his great care in my life. It is truly amazing that I can still do what I want to do. Anything is possible through God.

In Romans 5:3-5, it says “suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” This verse was applicable to what I was experiencing. Despite the suffering I went through, I believed that God would help me overcome it. God provided me the strength to persevere since the incident. He was with me through the tough times I encountered, and he didn’t give up. I hope this testimony encouraged you to remember that through it all, God will always be there for you. Thank you for listening. God bless you all.

Youth Group Leader 
Joseph Lee

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